Vernissage: Marianne Thie: Malerei Konzert: Tomi Leberero (Arg)

Marianne Thie
*1982 in Greifswald.
Stationen der bisherigen Lebensodyssee:
- Neustadt-Glewe,
- Stuttgart
- Neuruppin
- seit 5 Jahren in Dresden.
Malt seit 2009 mit Acryl, Öl, Tempera auf Leinwand und mit Pastellkreide, Aquarell, Kugelschreiber und Fineliner auf Papier. Die Bilder bewegen sich im Kompromissraum zwischen Wunsch und Möglichkeit.
Tomi Lebrero
Tomi Lebrero it s a singer songwriter from Argentina and he is one of the most interesting heads of independent music in that country.
His main instrument it s the bandoneon that it s a German instrument but iconic in argentinean music cause of it association with Tango.
The music of Tomi has a mix between argentinean roots music with universal musics as rock n roll and pop.
He is also a powerful performer, that could be deep for moments, light and funny in others, and also his style oscillate between being a classic and an avant-garde musician.
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