Im Konzert: I'm a Sloth (A, EP Release Tour) + Lasse Reinstroem (DD, Tape Release)

I'M A SLOTH ist ein energiegeladenes Trio aus Wien, das den Grunge der 90er zelebriert. Sie supporteten KURT COBAIN's Busenfreunde MUDHONEY und TAD DOYLE sowie die Undergroundlegende LYDIA LUNCH feat. Weasel Walter & Bob Bert (Ex-SONIC YOUTH) und teilten sich mit NADA SURF die FM4-Bühne am Donauinselfest. 2017 folgte der langersehnte Release ihres zweiten Albums "BOSOM".
LASSE REINSTROEM - Dresden's very own krautrock superstars! Since establishing in 2009 they have developed their sound through numerous tours/live shows, releasing their last album 'Maza Wakan' in 2016 which Bandcamp included in their 2018 list of top ten German Hard Rock bands describing them as 'Ranging from the southern fried classic rock of Lynyrd Skynyrd to the shrieking art-punk of Nina Hagen to Motörhead’s busted muffler rock ‘n’ roll. Add in a hefty dose of sludgy alt-rock, and you have yourself a recipe for a good time—and some pretty potent rocket fuel'.